NEW PLAYBOOK! “2024 Digital Harvest: Your Playbook for Planting Succes in Virtual Care”


Closing the Loop –

Optimized Patient Engagement


Upgrade the Patient Experience

Fill the engagement gaps between live visits and gain valuable insights for timely interventions with vCarePathways. Powering configured care management pathways that are fully integrated with your EHR and complementary to existing virtual visit solutions.

comprehensive virtual 


Optimized Patient

vCarePathways supports closed loop patient
engagement that allows providers and
patients to stay on top of treatment before
and after visits

Deliver Better Engagement for Better Outcomes

Improve care plan compliance with meaningful engagement that empowers patients to be active participants in their own care

Complementary to In-person
and Virtual Visits

Enhance your EHR’s capabilities with workflows that support care continuity and complement existing virtual visit solutions

Drive Productive Followup

Gain evidence based insight into patient compliance and progress against care plan using vCarePathways clinical dashboard.

Designed for a simple user experience to connect patients and providers.

Key Features

Configurable Pathways

Assign patients to pathways that have been configured to the health system’s protocol


Increase patient and provider engagement with easy to use secure messaging that includes the ability to share images and documents

Robust Reporting and Analytics

Drive informed decisions and proactively address operational deficiencies with comprehensive telehealth business intelligence that aggregates operational and clinical data across the organization. Leverage robust clinical dashboards to empower providers to efficiently manage virtual care encounters or patient populations

Single Sign-On

Drive adoption with our integrated single sign-on approach that simplifies user experiences by eliminating extraneous logins while enhancing security by centralizing user management

Empathetic AI Chatbot

Human-like automated patient active engagement and collection of key subjective information

Alerting and Notifications

Reduce no-shows and keep patients and providers engaged with on-time automated emails, SMS notifications and alerts

Informed Consent Management

Automate informed consent process with patient electronic acceptance that can be attached to the patient record in the EHR upon completion

Medical Device Integration

Both real-time remote physical examination tools and asynchronous connected devices for vitals capture of monitored patients

Timed Content Delivery

Deliver educational content and assignments at the right time along the patient journey


Use Cases

  • Surgical procedure pathways
  • Chronic disease management 
  • Behavioral health management
  • Rehabilitation pathways

Don’t see the use case you’re looking for? We can help!